Thursday, October 14, 2010

Eliminate Belly Fat - Know The 5 Natural Ways Of Removing Belly Fat

Image Courtesy of My Right Hand

There are many people who have devoted themselves on exercise and diet yet it seems like it’s hard for them to eliminate belly fat.What could be the problem?

When you do lots of crunches and sit ups, your abdominal muscles ate the only focus. Fats can be found any where in the body such as in the buttocks, hips, lower arms and tummy. You need to work out your entire body and prevent spot reduction because doing so will not give you a desired result. On the other side, strict restriction to diet is similar to deprivation and starvation. When you are used to sleep and wake up or do your daily activities hungry, your body will not be able to function well and so as the other symptoms of your body. So, as the body loses its function because of starvation, burning of fats will also become less.

Check Out Our Eliminate Belly Fat Methods Here

People actually have a good understanding on how to lose belly fat. They are much aware that a combination of diet and exercise are done, however, people misunderstood it differently. What most people think is crunches, sit-ups and starvation. Oh well, it always pays to get yourself involved from total body workouts and proper balanced diet.

Belly fat doesn’t give you not only problems on how you look, but the diseases you may get such as increase blood sugar (diabetes), heart diseases and cancer. Health risks associated with belly fat are very much important than your physical self. So, this article will share you some essential tips to eliminate belly fat; purely NATURALS.

1. First and foremost, you have to know your actual weight. When you get your weight in pounds, multiply it in 14 giving you the total calories needs of the body. Other than weight measurement, pay attention to the size of your waist, legs, thighs and arms. When you have bases you know where you are heading as you do ways on eliminating belly fat. When you know your weight, you can monitor your progress whether you lose or gain weight. More so, when you calculate your total body's calorie needs, then you will become conscious of what you eat, if it's less or more than the needed amount. By measuring waist, legs, arms, etc. you will be able to know if you are slowly losing.

2. In eliminating belly fat, it doesn't cover only on abdominal exercises and crunches.DIET also plays a greater role and it's not to be misunderstood as "skipping of meals". This is the most important thing to remember; get away with the misconception that diet must be done by not eating. Each meal to take, there must be some 1/4 of veggies on it. Aside from vegetables, your meal must also contain another 1/4 of your meal and 1/2 of whole grain. As much as possible drink only water or unsweetened juice.When you want to eat snacks in between meals, you can, provided that you will only eat nuts, oatmeal cookies and other healthy snacks. Say no to your favorite pizza, pasta, burgers, fries, large soft drinks, etc. Avoid too much sweets, salty foods and whites in the diet. Most importantly, avoid eating after 7:00 pm because digestion cannot be completed.

3. Consume water more and your goal is to drink 6-8 glasses a day. Water will not only keep you feeling fuller longer, but it will help to keep you from being dehydrated. Most often people may find it difficult to follow especially when super thirsty and soft drinks are the one in mind, but when you start drinking water and nothing else, you will get to love it.

4. Get involved with exercise for 3-5 times weekly. At the start, cardio session is done. Do some walking around the neighborhood, or jog around your plaza. If you are so much eager to go to the gym, you can do so and it's much better. You will be having your programs daily not only giving special attention to your stomach. You need to do 30 minutes session of treadmill or stationary bikes. After the first part, you need to dwell now on the main highlight of your weight loss program. There are lots of exercises that you can choose to do for 1 hour after treadmill, and the most common are the following: crunches, lower and upper abdominal exercises, side bending, etc. If you want to join aerobic dancing and belly dancing session for 30 minutes, you may and you can. The exercises should be tolerable and should not meant to kill your body from pain and trauma. Just do what your body can tolerate, start on the easy ones and just be slow for a start; this time with no sets and counts yet. As you go along, surely your strength increases and if that happens, add sets and counts on your routine and you will see better result in your body.

5. The most important step is for you to get necessary motivation and high spirit when you eliminate belly fat. When you are not seeing your goals in one or two weeks, do not be despair, continue with what you are doing. You will appreciate it when you reach 1 month or so. Always have that excitement in you to keep you going without boredom at all. If you are positive all throughout the way despite some point of discouragement, your hormones produced by the body can also get affected.So, always give positive signals in your body.

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