Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Reduce Waist Size - 3 Great Tips For A Reduced Waist Size

A reduced waist size is indeed an achievement for weight losers especially women. It may be a desire for two genders, but this is more apparent to women especially those who are under the influence by vanity; they consider being SLIM as a biological need and in order to be one, a small and slim waist is a must. For most women, a small and sexy waist indicates fitness and most of all, difficulty wearing clothes is not a problem anymore. Almost everyone of us is in dire need of losing weight and reduce waist, which is why almost all of us especially women are putting so much effort in achieving their fitness goal whatever happens.

Discover The Secrets on Reduce Waist Size

Within the range of the health standards, a man with 40 inches waist line and a woman with 35 inches waist line are all deemed to be obese, overweight and unhealthy. It's been an indirect imposition from the society that being overweight is not acceptable; thus, people strive to find ways in order to be slim and prevent themselves to be one of the society's hates. Yes, reality is telling us that people fear becoming fat, which is why eating disorders have becoming common these days. The fitness world now increases gym workouts, diet pills, weight loss diet plans, expensive workout machines, etc. You can be among many who workouts because of wanting to lose fats from the waist and abdomen.

The waist is the body area where most of the fats are being stored.When you do side bending and sitting, you can see layers of fat on your waist which you actually wish it can be disappeared in a split of a second, so the idea of abdominal crunches and sit-ups are the best ways to get rid of it. But, abdominal exercises to lose weight is such a misconception.Fats cannot just be found in the specific area of the body such as your waist; it can be found anywhere in the body. One factor to help you realize this is the body fat you have.

When you do some exercises involving the waist, such exercises are not meant to lose fats from it; the exercises are just meant to tone and shape the waist. If you are so desperate of wanting to lose fats from the waist, you need to understand that a total body fat reduction is needed first and that is through proper diet and well performed exercises. The more sincere and determined you are to work out, all the more you can achieve a reduce waist size.

1. Achieving the goal for a sexy waist requires the appropriate exercises, not just one but the combination of cardiovascular exercises and weight training. Your exercises can be a part of your daily routine. More so, if you are so much wet with sweat during and after the exercise, that is actually healthy, meaning the exercises are challenging enough to make you lose weight. As time goes by, you need to increase the intensity of your exercise for it to be more effective.

2. Do not procrastinate; do cardiovascular exercises today and not tomorrow or week after next. You may want to it at your own home or be guided by an instructor at the gym. These include walking, jogging, hiking and biking or sports such as tennis and badminton. It should be done 3 times weekly for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Your resistance trainings are also beneficial for you to achieve your goal. Here are some examples that you can do:


* Lie flat on the floor and arms placed on the sides.

* Just keep your legs straight and unmovable.

* Slowly raise your arms up over the head while lifting your legs up until your fingers can point at your toes and not really touching it.

* You need to exhale slowly and return to the starting position.

* Repeat the steps as long as you can tolerate.


* Lie flat on the floor.

* Lift the legs up and make sure they are kept together.

* Raise the upper body(head and shoulders) from the floor while hands placed on the thighs.

* Contract your abs while lowering the legs and as you start again laying your back and arms on the floor.

* After doing such, place hands on the side, press hands on the floor and then inhale and exhale for 5 counts.

Leg Circles

* Lie flat on the floor and raise your legs straight as if pointing to the floor.

* Tighten your abs as you move your raised right leg in circular motion: 5 times each for clockwise and counterclockwise.

* During the exercise, your legs should all be moving.

* Do the steps on the opposite side; 5 clockwise and another 5 counterclockwise.

Tree Pose

* Stand properly with arms placed on sides.

* Now, inhale slowly and then bend right leg and other leg stays flat on the floor, as in soles of the foot touching against the floor.

* It's time to find balance while raising arms above your head and palms touching the floor.

* Move the bent right leg and move the knee back; keep in such position for a minute or so; make sure that the hips are not moving.

* Repeat the steps on the opposite leg as long as you can.

* Lie with your face facing into the floor and elbows placed next into the chest.

* Lift your body by elevating your elbows: Rest the body on the elbows and hands, and hold in that position.

* Start contracting the abs and keep the body as straight as possible.

* Hold in that position and do it again.

* For the experts, they may use their toes for balance as the elbows are up; for beginners, they can use their knees and work up on such position.

3. Diet is one of the most important factors in every weight loss goal. Therefore, it will always be significant to reduce waist size. Health experts said that what you are is what you eat and approximately 60% of weight loss or gain is attributed to it.

The most important thing to remember with diet is that it never allows starvation. Once you do, your body can no longer work as its needs are not met. One of the body’s functions is to metabolize or burn the excess fat. So when the body cannot work its function due to deprivation, then fat burning process will not happen.

Eat right and complete with high protein, moderate carbohydrates and less fat. Rich sources of proteins are found in lean meats as it gives you fullness and prevents you from overeating. Energy can be given by carbohydrates but too much of it can be formed into fats. Other foods rich in carbohydrates are "white foods", so it must be avoided; these are breads, pasta and rice. Your fat is also important in the body as it protects us from any harmful elements that might invade in the body, but fats in excess can increase cholesterol and the excess will be stored in the different parts of the body.

Discover The Top Slim Weight Loss Methods

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Eliminate Belly Fat - Know The 5 Natural Ways Of Removing Belly Fat

Image Courtesy of My Right Hand

There are many people who have devoted themselves on exercise and diet yet it seems like it’s hard for them to eliminate belly fat.What could be the problem?

When you do lots of crunches and sit ups, your abdominal muscles ate the only focus. Fats can be found any where in the body such as in the buttocks, hips, lower arms and tummy. You need to work out your entire body and prevent spot reduction because doing so will not give you a desired result. On the other side, strict restriction to diet is similar to deprivation and starvation. When you are used to sleep and wake up or do your daily activities hungry, your body will not be able to function well and so as the other symptoms of your body. So, as the body loses its function because of starvation, burning of fats will also become less.

Check Out Our Eliminate Belly Fat Methods Here

People actually have a good understanding on how to lose belly fat. They are much aware that a combination of diet and exercise are done, however, people misunderstood it differently. What most people think is crunches, sit-ups and starvation. Oh well, it always pays to get yourself involved from total body workouts and proper balanced diet.

Belly fat doesn’t give you not only problems on how you look, but the diseases you may get such as increase blood sugar (diabetes), heart diseases and cancer. Health risks associated with belly fat are very much important than your physical self. So, this article will share you some essential tips to eliminate belly fat; purely NATURALS.

1. First and foremost, you have to know your actual weight. When you get your weight in pounds, multiply it in 14 giving you the total calories needs of the body. Other than weight measurement, pay attention to the size of your waist, legs, thighs and arms. When you have bases you know where you are heading as you do ways on eliminating belly fat. When you know your weight, you can monitor your progress whether you lose or gain weight. More so, when you calculate your total body's calorie needs, then you will become conscious of what you eat, if it's less or more than the needed amount. By measuring waist, legs, arms, etc. you will be able to know if you are slowly losing.

2. In eliminating belly fat, it doesn't cover only on abdominal exercises and crunches.DIET also plays a greater role and it's not to be misunderstood as "skipping of meals". This is the most important thing to remember; get away with the misconception that diet must be done by not eating. Each meal to take, there must be some 1/4 of veggies on it. Aside from vegetables, your meal must also contain another 1/4 of your meal and 1/2 of whole grain. As much as possible drink only water or unsweetened juice.When you want to eat snacks in between meals, you can, provided that you will only eat nuts, oatmeal cookies and other healthy snacks. Say no to your favorite pizza, pasta, burgers, fries, large soft drinks, etc. Avoid too much sweets, salty foods and whites in the diet. Most importantly, avoid eating after 7:00 pm because digestion cannot be completed.

3. Consume water more and your goal is to drink 6-8 glasses a day. Water will not only keep you feeling fuller longer, but it will help to keep you from being dehydrated. Most often people may find it difficult to follow especially when super thirsty and soft drinks are the one in mind, but when you start drinking water and nothing else, you will get to love it.

4. Get involved with exercise for 3-5 times weekly. At the start, cardio session is done. Do some walking around the neighborhood, or jog around your plaza. If you are so much eager to go to the gym, you can do so and it's much better. You will be having your programs daily not only giving special attention to your stomach. You need to do 30 minutes session of treadmill or stationary bikes. After the first part, you need to dwell now on the main highlight of your weight loss program. There are lots of exercises that you can choose to do for 1 hour after treadmill, and the most common are the following: crunches, lower and upper abdominal exercises, side bending, etc. If you want to join aerobic dancing and belly dancing session for 30 minutes, you may and you can. The exercises should be tolerable and should not meant to kill your body from pain and trauma. Just do what your body can tolerate, start on the easy ones and just be slow for a start; this time with no sets and counts yet. As you go along, surely your strength increases and if that happens, add sets and counts on your routine and you will see better result in your body.

5. The most important step is for you to get necessary motivation and high spirit when you eliminate belly fat. When you are not seeing your goals in one or two weeks, do not be despair, continue with what you are doing. You will appreciate it when you reach 1 month or so. Always have that excitement in you to keep you going without boredom at all. If you are positive all throughout the way despite some point of discouragement, your hormones produced by the body can also get affected.So, always give positive signals in your body.

Learn The Top Slim Lose Weight Secrets Today

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Slim Weight Loss - Learn The 3 Important Techniques To Hit Two Targets: Weight Loss & Slim Body

Image Courtesy of HeadOvMetal

More often, women are much more particular with how to stay slim, lose weight. Who would have not wanted to have it in the first place?

Find Out More On How to Stay Slim Lose Weight Today

For most people, they always like the feeling of being slim, as such, they always want to be just like it, and women have been know to become so particular with it. This is just so hard to understand, but really, women have every reason to lose weight. When you remember when we were little, we always have this cute dresses given to us by our parents, and we always looked into the mirror as we wear all of it believing that we are thin and sexy. As time goes by when we become teenagers, the main reason for having slim and sexy body is to attract someone. Reality is telling us that at some point in our lived, it is one of our biological needs and desires. With the society today, it poses that sexual attraction is equal to physical attraction that can be related to a slim and weight loss.

For women, looking good is always necessary. It cannot be denied that many women find looking good and sexy a very important thing in mind. Try to look inside the gym, you can see many women doing some exercises to their fullest potential. Some women also do dancing during an aerobic class. You see, if fat is just socially acceptable, diet and exercise can never be known today. The prevention of diseases is just but a secondary reason for now. The irony here is that despite diet and exercises are done, there are still a lot of failures in achieving the desired result.

The habit of saying, “I will start tomorrow” yet you are not still doing when tomorrow came. We did a lot of attempts but we always presume that it's hard, so stepped back. There are women who easily gave up after trying exercises because of PAIN. More so, when women abides with her diet, they are very persistent with it, but when friends come along, they eat out or when holiday seasons come, they eat anything and made another set of goals next time.

Check Out On Our Rapid Fat Loss Techniques

The true essence of achieving the fitness goal to stay slim, lose weight is more likely related and dependent to YOU.Change is significant when you really want to get your desired fitness goal, but it can only happen when you are aware of your unhealthy lifestyle and you are ready to learn the healthy ways.

Here are 3 Great deals of steps to follow to get a slimmer body:

Step 1 – Combination of cardio and resistance training

Most people often make mistakes in doing only cardio exercises without resistance training. The two important routines should be done together for a good and desired result. Resistance training such as the use of weights, dumbbells, abdominal exercises, etc. are helpful. That exercise can help strengthen your weak muscles and when combined with diet, lean body mass can be preserved. Cardiovascular exercises are useful in improving your breathing. As you continue with the exercise, you will be able to withstand high duration and intensity exercises in the long run. If you would not be able to perform the two exercises, your lean body mass can be lost, thus lessening fat burning process which result to weight gain instead of weight loss.


  • Aim for the best; do cardio exercises for 30 minutes, for 2-4 days and another 2 days of resistance training for 30 minutes too.
  • Start from the simple/mild exercises to the difficult ones. Do the exercises that you and your body can tolerate. As you continue the exercise, your strength will increase so it is necessary to increase your sets as well.
  • Get help from a personal trainer or expert before you begin your program for safety!

Step 2 –Less calorie diet (healthy and balanced)

This is a great diet but people fail to do the right concept about this diet. Learn to know your daily total body calorie needs by multiplying weight in pounds to 14 so that you will be aware of how much food and drinks to eat daily. If you get your calorie needs daily which is 2,200, you can eat foods with the total amount of 1,800-2,100 calories; just enough to maximize fat loss. If you eat more than what you needed, possible weight gain can happen.


  • Eat plenty of quality protein rich foods such as meat, chicken and vegetables. Lessen simple carbohydrates in the diet because most of the fats came from it.
  • As much as possible, eat low fat foods. Use olive oil or canola oil for cooking.
  • Eat just right but complete; have a high protein diet, moderate carbohydrates and less fats.
  • Have 5-6 small meals each day than three large meals. This will boost your metabolism and boosting your fat burning process in a way.
  • Avoid soft drinks and consume more water, 1-3 liters daily.

Step 3 – Weekly body wrap sessions

This body wrap session is the new way tp stay slim, lose weight at the same time which is commonly availed by women. Body wrap is a unique mineral weight loss that detoxifies and hydrates the body and tightens and tones the skin and decreases fats while assuring a loss of 8 -30 inches every session.

The wrap has a significant amount of heat that invade and penetrate into the body's tissues thus fat can be breakdown into a liquid form, so when you perspire there will be an evident yellow secretion that contains water, toxins and fats. Such outcome only indicate that body wrap is effective.

If you want the body wrap to be done in the comforts of your home, you may do so. Make sure you have the following ingredients to make body wrap possible, such as tea tree oil, purified water, aloe vera, olive oil, herbal extracts, bee pollen, ginseng, spearmint oil, peppermint oil, purified water, etc.

It combats those extra inches on many areas of the body. Some body parts may include the neck, thighs, waist, hips, buttocks, upper and lower arms, stomach areas, legs, etc. Body wrap can achieve significant weight loss, but one should remember that weight loss will be maintained if body wrap is combined with diet and exercise.

Find Out The Methods To Reduce Tummy Fat

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rapid Fat Loss - 3 Significant Steps For The Right Rapid Fat Loss

Image Courtesy of Utah's Live-in Fitness Camp

We cannot deny that we live in a world where vanity strikes and the looks seem to be a priority over other human needs and wants. For sure, rapid fat loss is always one of the priorities. In this new world, impressions from everything such as in fashion, weight loss, healthy and being healthy are changing. More often than not, there are people patient enough to lose weight, and there are those who are impatient about it. Now, if you want it fast, as to what extent can these strategies lead you?

Click Here For Rapid Fat Loss Methods

So, why do people so eager to lose weight? Such questions is the most common inquiry today and answers such as these are given:she wants to surprise her guy, she will attend an upcoming friend's wedding, she wants to wear two-piece swim wear that fits well to her, she wants to be attractive and an eye catcher, she will attend a class reunion, and she wants to be less problematic with what clothes to wear.So, basing from all the answers given, it has to be understood that it is essential to look good. No one can actually argue with that because looking good will not make you feel you are totally left out. Everybody tries to fit in the world of beauty, from having flawless skin to a skinny and sexy body. Self esteem and confidence wants to be uplifted, so there’s nothing wrong with that too. On the other note, when the reason of losing weight fast is just about getting bored with diet and exercise, then it will never be healthy.

It is not all the time that losing weight is more like general because techniques may be applied to you, but may not be applied to some. There are a lot of people who want to get rid off of all the fat from their body naturally, and there are some wants to come about it immediately, right there and then without minding the techniques to use.

No matter how much you try to do everything naturally, your work can make it hard for you to sustain a healthy lifestyle.But, people should always be mindful that to be healthy means to work hard, to work up a sweat and NO PAIN, NO GAIN.

More so, impatience is always a no-no when you want to lose weight because if that happens, you will end up resulting to a faster weight loss that are unhealthy.

Let's learn now some strategies for rapid fat loss:


When you see such word, the first thing that comes in mind is the vision of a belly with a word, DON'T FEED. Crash diet is an extreme cutting down of foods and calories, as in 800-1,200 less calories daily. In short, you are allowing your body to go on a starvation mode. Well, the diet may result to weight loss, but what really are those down sides that can caused you?

  • Weight loss slows down and may even give you a maintained weight.
  • You may look smaller comparing to your previous body, but the fat is still there, your body is still saggy and flabby
  • You will have have your crazy food cravings that are hard to resist and most often you may eat more and lose nothing.
  • Weight rebound can happen especially when diet is immediately ended and normal eating pattern starts again.
  • When you are a sporty person, your strength and performance will slow down, making you a lousy player.
  • Since crash diet cut down extreme calories and starve you, you may experience vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition.
  • You may faint due to the severe calorie restriction.
  • Bones can become brittled causing osteoporosis and back pain.
  • Your mood will change.


Apart from crash dieting, rigid exercise are also done with people who are so eager to lose weight without knowing that a rigid form of exercise is not healthy at all. Combining cardio, strength and resistance trainings are good but usually for persons who want to hit the desired goal for a short period of time, over exercising is usually done by combining the 3 trainings and the duration, sets and frequency of those are forces even if the body is too weak. Even if the normal days of exercises is within 3-5 days weekly, people tend to go beyond the normal limit which is very exhausting.Combination of crash diet and rigid exercises will never do you good because your health will be at risk and so as your body physically.

DO WHAT IS RIGHT! Slow but surely!

  • Set realistic goals; ideally, 1-2 pounds weekly is the safest weight loss weekly.
  • Aside from your strength and resistance trainings, add cardio session 30 minutes daily (3-5 times weekly). Alternate cardio, resistance and strength trainings and must not be done all together. Perform each exercise for 30-45 minutes, 3-5 days weekly. You must have 2 days rest for your body to regain necessary energy for the next batch of exercise.
  • For your nutritious diet, follow the food pyramid, consuming more fruits, whole grains, meats, vegetables and dairy consumption.
  • Get supported by your family and friends because the more you feel supported, the more you will work out for the best result.
  • Outweigh the risk and benefits of rapid fat loss. Choose safely!
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