Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eliminate Belly Fat - 5 Ways To Say Goodbye To Belly Fat & Say Hello To Slimmer You

We have heard a lot of people dying to go for a diet and exercise yet getting annoyed on how to eliminate belly fat.Why is that so?

Doing crunches alone focuses only on abdominal muscles. Fats can be found any where in the body such as in the buttocks, hips, lower arms and tummy. If you focus only on your belly without giving attention to some other body parts, fats will continue to accumulate in your belly as some parts of the body are not worked out. On the other side, strict restriction to diet is similar to deprivation and starvation. When you do not eat when hungry, you are just allowing your body to be deprived of nutrients to function well. When your body is less useful, the process of metabolism and fat burning will become down and it will not work well.

Learn How to Eliminate Belly Fat Today

Most often, majority of the people have an understanding of what to do to lose belly fat. They know that diet and exercise is really the two things they need to undergo, however, it’s the people who understand it differently from reality. What most people think is crunches, sit-ups and starvation. Oh well, it always pays to get yourself involved from total body workouts and proper balanced diet.

When you have a belly fat, you can suffer both on your physical look but also on your over all health. Health related problems are given more importance than your physical appearance. So, this article will share you some essential tips to eliminate belly fat; purely NATURALS.

1. First, you have to weight yourself. You must also know your body’s calorie needs by multiplying weight in pounds by 14. You also need to measure the size of your legs, thighs, arms and waist. When you set goals, it is very important that you have your bases. When you know your weight, you can monitor your progress whether you lose or gain weight. More over, when you know the total amount of calories needed by your body, you can become particular of how much food you can put in into your mouth that contain just enough to complete body's needs. When you also get measurement of your waist, legs, arms and hips, you can also know that you are able to cut down fats or not.

2. In eliminating belly fat, it doesn't cover only on abdominal exercises and crunches.Other than the common abdominal exercises, DIET should also take its part and it's not about going on a diet restriction. This is the most important thing to remember; get away with the misconception that diet must be done by not eating. Each meal to take, there must be some 1/4 of veggies on it. It must also have 1/4 lean cuts of meat and 1/2 of whole grain. Avoid any soft drinks or sweetened juices; just drink more water instead with ZERO calories.When you want to eat snacks in between meals, you can, provided that you will only eat nuts, oatmeal cookies and other healthy snacks. Forget about burgers, fries, pizza and large soft drinks. Do away with unhealthy foods such as the sweets, salty, whites and fatty. Most of all, you must practice the habit of eating before 7:00 pm because foods eaten after 7 are digested slowly.

3. Consume water more and your goal is to drink 6-8 glasses a day. Water will not only keep you feeling fuller longer, but it will help to keep you from being dehydrated. There are lots of people who do not want to switch soft drinks to water, but when they will just practice the habit of water drinking instead of those high calorie and sugar drinks, they will start to carve for more water.

4. Make a habit to exercises regularly for 3 -5 days a week. For a start, do cardio training. It can be done not only on the 4 corners of the gym, even outside the gym, at the house or around the neighborhood, cardio exercise is possible; your simple brisk walking, running, bicycling, dancing, etc. are the common forms. If you want to go for a gym, you may do so. In the gym, you will have your program to be followed daily which focuses on your overall body. You can do either tread mill or stationary bike, each must be done in 30 minutes. Next, you can now begin your main program. There are lots of exercises that you can choose to do for 1 hour after treadmill, and the most common are the following: crunches, lower and upper abdominal exercises, side bending, etc. You can also have some choice of belly dancing or aerobics for 30 minutes. Those exercises should not meant to over exhaust or overtire you. Do not over work your body so better do what it can tolerate without sets and counts. Eventually, when your strength increases, do more sets and you will see the improvement not only on your belly but also in your total body.

5. The most significant thing with all the steps to eliminate belly fat is to keep the motivation and positive spirit alive. Even if it takes too long for you to see the desired results, do not get frustrated, instead, continue moving forward as you will see the best result you ever wished for. You will appreciate it when you reach 1 month or so. Have pleasant and positive thoughts that will keep you excited. If you are positive all throughout the way despite some point of discouragement, your hormones produced by the body can also get affected.So even if it's hard, you have to be positive always; send positive signals in your body.

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