Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reduce Tummy Fat - Cardio Session; Tummy Exercises; Diet & Lifestyle

In our desire to reduce tummy fat, we can be faced with such dilemma. It is such a comfort and fun to eat everything we want yet so hard to keep a fit and sexy body. Most often, people commonly failed in their desire to lessen tummy fat because they tend to become impatient during the process.

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It is not an easy process to go over reducing tummy fat. Our body is always composed of fats it's just that there are body built that fats are not evident or very evident. The total amount of body fats can be more some and less to others. So when you eat more foods rich in fats, it will accumulate in the different areas of the body such as the arms, butt and tummy. When there are too much tummy fats, you may even feel that you will have a flabby stomach. You hate it, you cannot wear fit clothes and sexy dresses, you often use body shaper to cover it up. For most men, they hate their beer bellies making their tummy grows like a ball. While for women, it's about being pregnant and crazy craving of foods that can be related to their big tummy. Those mentioned reasons trigger both men and women to find better alternatives for losing fats in the tummy.

There have been many different ways on how to get rid of a big tummy and for well-to-do people, they spend big amount of money for cosmetic surgeries such as tummy tucks and liposuction. There are some that stick to the natural and healthy ways. The top 3 priorities by people who stick with the naturals are healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise.

Not your diet alone can help you get rid of tummy fat. Your diet must be incorporated with exercises to achieve the best desired results. Here are some tips to reduce tummy fat, not only for a sexier body but also for a normal healthy body:

  • Aerobic exercises

The exercises are both good for the heart and helps lessen the tummy fat at some point. A simple breathing exercise can even help contribute to a tighter and slimmer abs. While doing the exercises, it is important that you monitor your progress daily or weekly to keep you motivated. Try to walk for awhile and increase intensity such as jogging or running. Other than walking, you may choose from dancing, tread milling, bicycling, hiking, etc. If you have at home a stationary bike or tread mill, you can easily make use of it to loosen tummy fat.Cardiovascular exercises should be done for about 15 to 30 minutes for at least 3-5 days weekly.

  • Tummy Exercises

In order for you to reduce tummy fat, when you perform exercises, have some time to workout your abdominals and your tummy. Believe me, exercising your whole body with some focus on your tummy can lead you to a flatter tummy. The greater your total body workout is, the more fats and calories can be burnt thus the sexier you can become. Perform many sit ups as you can and must be increased as tolerated. This is most effective when done with cardio training. If you opt to work out on the gym, there are specialized equipments that can help you reduce tummy fat.

  • Well balanced diet & lifestyle

Regular exercise is not effective without taking control of your eating habits. To prevent bloated tummy, avoid too much salt in your diet. Eat more foods rich in fiber and just a fair amount of carbohydrates to keep you going. Yes to water (6-8 glasses daily) and no to soft drinks and sweetened juices. You can drink a cup of tea before sleeping especially when you eat a lot for the day. As much as possible, don’t eat during dinner and avoid midnight snacks.

Live a life well with a happy and healthy disposition. Do not allow stress to control your life; have a stress free life as possible and have a normal hours of sleep. Lessen some late night drinking session and avoid cigarette smoking. Keep in mind all the necessary steps mentioned plus your determination to achieve flat tummy as it can lead you to what you have always desired - flat tummy.

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